We do what we do best
We have strategically created an investment portfolio to develop empowering solutions that capitalize on the new-world knowledge-driven economy. We leverage our resources where we have deep-rooted sector experience, and where we can be most impactful. The vast majority of our investments are in Life Sciences, Software, Semiconductor and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
An ingenious eco-community
Foundational to our investment approach is the interconnected ecosystem we have created. It supports specialized and coveted needs within and across sectors. Our eco-community goes way beyond that of the traditional investors that offer operational and administrative assistance. We have synthesized an eco-community that is ingenious, comprehensive and empowering. It garners idea-to-market success. The unique system links together portfolio companies for mutual growth. They leverage each other’s expertise, platforms, services and ideas. Our highly collaborative eco-community has led to the genesis of several new start-ups such as Suitefiles and Projectworks.